Our History

The artistic glass The Diana has been active since 1948. Founded by Giuseppe Nenci ,Angela is now run by his daughter and niece Catherine Pavolini.

Giuseppe Nenci took advantage of several young artists such as Piero Bernini, Henry Posarelli, Lino Dinetto and Joni Fiorenzo,which will remain the main artist, master ,heir of the great Sienese tradition, that give an unmistakable imprint on all the works that come out of our shop.

The early years saw many works of restoration of windows damaged by war and implementation of new windows where they were destroyed, as in the Basilica of S:Francesco in Siena,where they were emplaced some windows in the transept, including one depicting Father Cholbe and extermination camps. Observance and later worked in the Basilica in the Capuchin Church in Siena. In the early 50's the most important work was the complete supply of glass for the Basilica of S:Francesco Ascoli Piceno ,that ,inspired by the great masters of the Sienese,Nowadays the life of the saint show.

The Diana came from the borders of Tuscany and commissions came from different parts of central and southern.

In 1957 Giuseppe Nenci bought a new laboratory, transferring the task from the center to the avenue Mazzini,then peripheral,where the glass will remain almost 30 years,before moving to larger spaces in the neighboring town of Monteriggioni,in the first place Tognazza, and now light in the current laboratory via P:Bothered,110 loc.Badesse.

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